
We commit to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us as we GIVE to God our time and treasures in tithes and offerings. Acts 2: 40 – 45


The members of CMBC provided the pastor & his family with a Honda Power Generator that supplied electricity for other homes in the immediate area. A residence is also being built for the pastor.
The Community Missionary Baptist Church of DeSoto and Cedar Hill, Texas, is a church, under the leadership of it’s pastor, Dr. Oscar D. Epps, Sr., committed to both a local and global outreach ministry. Locally, the congregation has a rich tradition of community outreach. The pandemic is a testimony of a people who used their resources to attend to the financial needs of the neighboring community.

Thousands of tons of food have been distributed to communities in need.

Hundreds of travel vouchers have been given to hundreds of travelers to assist in the rising price of gas at the pump.

Hundreds of fans have been given to families to mitigate the rising energy costs.

Families in distress have found a ready resource at the Community Missionary Baptist Church.

The CMBC-KENYA church is grateful to CMBC-USA and it’s congregation for it’s financial and moral support in the past, and look forward to a continued partnership! We have enjoyed worshiping with you virtually both in Sunday School and your Worship Services, and Bible Study!